Monthly Archives: August 2013

Smoked Haddock Chowder – This Whole Soup Thing Seems To Be Working…

After the success of the cauliflower chowder, and the strange fact that Weasel likes fish, I thought I’d attempt a fish chowder next, with bacon of course to make sure it was tasty for me too. Soup without some kind of pork product is just not the same. So onto Pinterest I go, and I […]

Fairbourne Railway – or Visiting Ivor the Engine

Given Weasel’s current love of Ivor the Engine (thank you Husband), there was no way we were going to manage a trip to the top left-hand corner of Wales without riding on a little steam train. Conveniently somewhat near where we were headed for lunch, we set off for the Fairbourne Railway, to do a […]

Cauliflower Chowder – No, Seriously, Weasel Ate This

The Hallelujah Chorus was playing loudly in my head as we had a night last week where everyone happily ate their dinner. No screaming, whining, feet stomping, none of it. Unbelievably it wasn’t a chip shop kind of night, it was a Pinterest experiment in cauliflower chowder. The recipe had bacon to make Husband happy, […]

Honey Ice Cream – Tywyn

Someone on our family trip (I shall name no names) admitted that they weren’t a big fan of Honey Ice Cream from the Halo factory shop in Tywyn, something that must be said very quietly around my in-law clan. And I must admit, not being a great lover of honey, I’m not all that keen […]

Peppa Pig Plasters for Gravel

Despite the fact that Weasel has only ever watched about 5 Peppa Pig episodes, when faced with plaster buying decisions, that’s the ones she chose. For once I don’t mind her using up a few on Gravel. Here’s breaking for a babyccino at what might be the UK’s smallest service station at Chepstow.

Chester Zoo – Weasel Ventures Up North

It turns out that the north is much further away than I remember it. Complicated by a backlog caused by a plane diversion, meaning Husband returned way past dinner time from the land of beer and schweinshaxe, I assumed it could take 4 hours.  5 1/2 hours later, at 2:30 in the morning, we crawled […]

Jack and the Flumflum Tree

When Husband brought this one home, I wasn’t too sure of it to start with. Written by the same folks as the amazing Gruffalo and the very confusing The Troll, I wasn’t sure which of the two we were going to get. Jack and the Flumflum Tree is a good read. The plot feels a […]

Oh Help! Oh No! It’s a Gruffalo Tea Party!

Reading the Gruffalo books with Weasel, I couldn’t help but think about how they would make a fantastic theme for a children’s party. With both my kids being late autumn babies and the unpredictable English weather at that time, I knew we were going to just have to have a random party this spring to […]

Baked Clotted Cream Cheesecake Cupcakes with Chocolate Cherry Topping

Can you tell I’m dieting by the fact that this blog has become so food-oriented? It’s practically turning into a Bakers Anonymous meeting. This baking occasion had a reason, sort of, as I was having a barbecue and it’s Sunday Baking Club’s childhood memories week. First thoughts would turn to sweets and things, but I […]

Courgette Pasta – Awesome Diet Trick

I got really excited when I read today was national zucchini (courgette) day, and was well chuffed with my timing, and then discovered I missed it by a day. Oh well. But if you are trying to get back to your pre-baby body (and your new extra-padded body is reluctant to part ways) than this […]