As you can tell from the advanced age of my two, it’s maybe been a little longer than anticipated since the last post about my 2 toddlers. But it has meant an awful lot of family trips to the upper left-corner of Wales, and in particular, to Tywyn. After playing the game to see if […]

Given that half-term means all our normal scheduled child-busying activities weren’t  on, Weasel and I decided to go to the cinema to check out The Book of Life. I’d love to say this was some kind of informed decision, like I thought “I hear there’s a new film produced by Guillermo del Toro, that should […]

Pre-kiddos we used to go every year to Brussels – chips, chocolate and beer – it’s pretty much the ideal weekend break. And only 2 hours away by train, it’s closer than visiting most places in the UK. So we decided it would be nice to visit friends with some similarly aged kids and show […]

Every time I have ever ended up hunting for dinner in Windsor, it has involved trapsing around door-to-door looking for somewhere to seat 8 with no notice on a Saturday, with very little luck. We usually end up with grumpy kids carrying pushchairs upstairs and feeling a little disheartened by a mediocre faux-Italian menu. SO […]

After weeks of sweltering weather and playing in gardens, parks and country houses, we thought we might have a break and go to the cinema. There are actually quite a few kids’ films on at the moment, being summer holidays and all, but Weasel went for The House of Magic due to her obsession with […]

After a rough, long, drawn-out, sweltering Wednesday, I expected dinner to end up in a whingy, crying mess too. I thought maybe one way of mitigating the disaster was to send Weasel to the newly-stocked fridge to chose a main ingredient. Unexpectedly, she chose the cod loin. My sun-drenched brain was totally unable to remember […]

Road trip!

Shamefully I have never visited Dapdune Wharf, a National Trust property/canal/boat thing in the middle of Guildford. It’s one of those places I’ve always meant to go to, but its proximity was almost the issue. It will always be there right? But having totally forgot to plan anything from my Weasel day (Fridays the Ninja […]

Looking for something to keep Weasel and the Ninja busy for half an hour, and stop them from begging to watch telly (I’m starting to feel it was a bit of a mistake introducing them to Dora the Explorer this week, but more on that later), I thought I’d break out my kids stuff board on […]

Just the title of this kids book alone, it’s just called ‘Dave‘, would have been enough for me to buy it. The fact that it’s about a fat, farty cat that shares Husband’s name is just icing on the cake. I’ve tried hiding this one recently, as I think I’m up to reading it about […]